Serving Pennsylvania and Florida Region

STEPS TO CLOCK IN/OUT When Using a Phone

  1. Call: 866-665-4341
  2. Clock IN press: 1
  3. Clock OUT press: 2
  4. Enter Assignment ID
  5. Duties: SEE LIST BELOW
  6. After entering Duty Codes Press “00” to Clock OUT “Successfully clocked in/out”
Duty Code Duty Category
115 Meal Preparation Personal Care
116 Housework/ Chores Personal Care
118 Medication Reminders Personal Care
119 Shopping Personal Care
122 Hygiene Personal Care
126 Transfer Personal Care
128 Bed mobility Personal Care
129 Eating Personal Care
134 Bathing Personal Care
140 Supervision/Coaching/Cueing Personal Care
141 Incontinence Care Personal Care